Voting now works
Before, if you hit thumbs up/down, I wasn't able to see them. It was tricky problem, it appeared to work but I wasn't actually getting the information. Now (hopefully) if you check Up/Down on a track, I'll be able to see it (however, it's not retroactive).
If you're wondering why I seemed to be ignoring votes, it wasn't intentional, I assure you! (sorry for the inconvenience)
VOA News
TriviaCompanion is an international stream, with listeners as far away as Japan (thank you!) for this reason, local news is rather meaningless. However, if something important is going on in the world, it would be nice to know about it!
For this reason, we've been experimenting with patching VOA News into the stream whenever there are new headlines. I want to make clear we are not the VOA! just carrying their news announcements whenever they come up. This is to keep listeners informed of world events.
VOA News is a pretty good news provider and (I hope) reasonably objective. Their terms and conditions state the material is in the public domain.